jueves, 15 de diciembre de 2016

My semester.

This semester was very special because in my career (psichology), during the sixth semester you are able to pick the classes according your interests. No doubt, this makes a very fun and interesting semester. For example, I was able to pisck assignments according to the psychology lines I like, such as scholar, communitary and social psychology.

It was a semester full of practical activities, which allowed me to learn so much more about the psychology rol in different áreas. I also got to take my last english course… I hope…which is a very important goal to me too, because it has pretty hard for me in general, I didn’t really get a good english preparation when I was in high school, which has brought to me many consequences in college.  Anyway, I’ve been able to learn a lot more during this semester, mainly because of the classes methodologies. 

About the ups and downs during the semester, I think I can happily say that there have been more ups than downs, and the downs have been more related to living by my own, sometimes it was a little harder to me having nice relationships with my family and personal learnings a little sads.

Neverless, the ups have been more and I’ve learned many things in college, I also have enjoyed more life and I’ve shared a lot with my Friends. I learned to get over my fears and to know different aspects about me. In general this semester was a time to grow as a person.

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jueves, 1 de diciembre de 2016


I’ve never really had a specific ambition in my life, but I think it is a pretty interesting and necesary mental exercise to do. This year has been full of discoveries and learning between those things that fill your heart so much such as a child smile, dreams and hopes that move people to do other things.

I believe one of the ambitions of my life is to be part of an important and sincere proyect with clear and real goals, some proyect that seeks to change people’s reality. It doesn’t matter if it is just a few people, but the important thing is that things can change, things can be better. I don’t really imagine what, where or who, I think life will give me that.

About what ispired me to have this ambition, I don’t really know it. I think the different experiences of life, people that I got to know, my family, stories, loved ones, smiles, ups and downs, maybe music, movies, the Little talks with my Friends, classmates, goals and dreams that I’ve had.

I would really like to make it because I think it would give some kind of sense to my life, and maybe some other people’s life. Also I think that the community job is always better for everyone. Getting to accomplish this ambitions means to be able to dream and to achieve those dreams, which I believe already means a lot to me.

jueves, 24 de noviembre de 2016

My Hobbies

I think I’ve had many hobbies in my life, but I’ve always been to inconstant. When I was younger I liked to invent games and dances with my Little sisters, every time we had some free time, we would sit to think and créate new dances and games.

During my teenage years, my hobbies were to read, riding the bike and taking pictures. I dedicated to learn photography during several yerras, I remember I wanted to know a lot about it and an uncle gave me some theorical and practical clases. It was pretty fun, because we would gather on weekends and we would go to hills to find landscapes and nice colors to be captured on camera. Along the time, I got interested in the photo edition, I learned how to use Photoshop and I was able to put a Little more fantasy in the pictures.

I I’ve kept this hobbie and it has gotten stronger, although since I goy into college I have so much less free time to dedícate to it. Another hobbie, that lasted very short time, was to do handcraft, I remember I dedícated a whole summer to make bracelets, rings, earings and many different decoration objects made out of recycling material. It was actually really fun, I don’t remember why I stopped, maybe I shuld try to start again…

jueves, 17 de noviembre de 2016

Victor Jara

It's really difficult to choose a great Chilean, I think I had never thought to mention an important Chilean person.

But I think a great character in the story is Victor Jara who has influenced different aspects of life, such as music, politics, poetry, and theater pedagogy.

The figure of Victor Jara is an international leader of the protest song and songwriter, and one of the most emblematic artists of the musical-social movement called ''New Chilean Song". The communist ideology is reflected in his art.

When Salvador Allende was president of Chile, Victor Jara was appointed cultural embassador, at the same time he released one of his greatest hits disc ‘’The right to live in peace’’ , which earned him the Golden Laurel Award for Best composition of the year.   

Victor Jara had a great social commitment, in the years that was president Allende, Jara was part of volunteer work to prevent the paralysis of the country caused by a truckers' strike.This commitment continued during the coup state led by Augusto Pinochet, a commitment that was until his death. On September 11, 1973 was arrested, along with other teachers and students, he was taken to the stadium, he was tortured for many hours and days, finally he was killed.

Victor Jara for me is a great example of someone with a lot of talent, commitment and idealism. I think his music transcended the times, the people and the presidents, it's really magnificent.-

jueves, 10 de noviembre de 2016

Favorite food

          It is very difficult to choose a favorite food, it’s like when we try to choose our favorite song, it’s really difficult, because it depends on the context, the time of year, the time, situation, people, so many things. But I think in this last time, my favorite food has been the mix of different vegetables, chard, lettuce, asparagus, tomato, broccoli, chicory, cabbage, a lot of green stuffs jaja, with fresh cheese, olives and an egg, of course with some salt and lemon. I think that is perfect, the taste is delicious, and especially for this time of the year.

         I also believe that nutritionally is very good, green leaf vegetables provide few calories and have a great food value, cause they are rich in vitamins A and C, in addition contains calcium, iron, magnesium, potassium and fiber. In the egg and cheese you will find the necessary proteins, and well carbohydrates can be left for another time of the day. Another plus for this meal, is when we take it from a good farm, ecological vegetables are more tasty, healthy and friendly with environment, every people should have agroecological productions for their own alimentation, and for learn other people, especially children, to have some respect for our mother earth.

I recommend eating well  and healthy

jueves, 27 de octubre de 2016


I don't usually think too much about the future, but doing it is fun. A few days ago I had Insomnia, and I think this is part of thinking too many things. Between those things, is the future. One of the conlutions that I got from that night was that I would like to work in something that has to do with my personal ideas, I believe that is one of the most important things that you have to consider to feel good.

In life I've had to work in many diferent places doing part-time jobs, and in bad laboral conditions, and I believe that I've always felt it as an obligation.

My dream is to work in something that isn't an obligation, something that I love. At the moment I like scholar psychology or Comunitary psychology, I'd like to work on nice proyects, with new and dreamed ideas. I'd like to work on that because I think it could help so many people and I could learn of them.

I believe you don't need too many skills to do it, you need to want to do something for other people, and over all the personal commitment, tolerance, respect, love and dedication. The rewards are to grow as person, to feel good and to find life sense.

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Resultado de imagen para psicologia escolar dibujo
Resultado de imagen para psicologia escolar dibujo

jueves, 20 de octubre de 2016

''The Unbearable Lightness of Being’’

At this time of year, the university forced to read a lot of information, for work, research, classes, etc. And it's hard to have time to read something nice, something to distract from the academic world.

Currently, two weeks ago, I started reading '' The Unbearable Lightness of Being’’ by Milan Kundera, this book I read when I was in the second half, at that time I liked, but it was nothing more than a romance novel in my life . Now I decided to read it again, because I believe that after some years, I have learned more, and have lived more, and i can understand and appreciate different book.

This book is about a man (Thomas) who is single 10 years ago, and has only sporadic relationships, until he meets Teresa, who changes his life. The subject seems very common, but much more, it has many philosophical and interesting discussions .

I really enjoyed reading this book. Better understand the role that represents each character, I can even imagine.

I hope to be more organized with the university, to have more time to read, I decided to read at least 30 minutes every day.

Finally, I highly recommend  it book, overall I think it's a very good author Kundera. 

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