jueves, 6 de octubre de 2016


    Usually I really  like significant or symbolic gifts. But now i think i will choose one that maybe doesn't have these characteristics but it was very important for me. The year 2011 was a very difficult personally, too many ups and downs, and a lot of emotional instability, at that time i remember talking a lot with my dad, and he realized that situation and one day without reason  brought a camera, i had bought second hand, was a beautiful surprise, i liked too, is that right during that time, had begun to know the audiovisual world, beauty images, movies, etc.

     Then have this gift in my hands, it was a door to pure beautiful things, an escape reality. Over time I learned more techniques of photography stuff, I used to take photographs regularly on certain days a week, became the perfect excuse to go for a walk to beautiful places, in search of photographs. After that knew the entertaining world of publishing, creating unreal spaces, playing with images, I think it's great.

     Currently still I have my camera, but I lost a little interest to take picture, sometimes the university does not leave time for hobbies and good my camera is old, so sometimes all becomes more difficult, but still i would not change, there have been many moments with her.

3 comentarios:

  1. With what you like photography.
    I imagine your happiness with gift!!!

  2. I think a camera is a great companion. Even though I think the best shots are in our memory, looking at images can really take us back to certain moments. Even when we have not been there.

  3. it is a beautiful gift. I wish have one like this someday.
    If you dont use it today, you will always can use it tomorrow.

    A picture can bring more that a thousand smiles.
