jueves, 13 de octubre de 2016

Javiera Alcaíno :)

A very good friend that I've made the past years is Javiera Alcaìno, we first met when we started college in 2014. I remember it was after a class about Investigation methodology, we were on the "Ceniceros Chicos" watching a music group, and we just saw each other and started to talk (I also talked for the first time with my other best friend Carlos Monsalve), I remember we talked about selling different types of sandwiches at school, it was a pretty fun conversation. After that we kept talking and we begun to study together, to do different assignments and we also started to hang out and to share so much more out of classes. As the time passed our relationship has transformed to a very close and nice friendship, with a lot of love and support.

I think one of the factors that have been very important to this frienship is that we have a lot in common, from very superficial stuff as choosing the same lunch, listening very similar music, being from province and having little sisters to our way of thinking and analyze life. Since we are college classmates, we see each other a lot and we have shared many moments, problemas, happy times, concerns, stress, parties, goals, school proyects, music, meals, movies, yoga classes haha, everythings.

I hope our friendship never ends. I hope we can keep building and saving beautiful moments together.

1 comentario:

  1. The type of friends that someone can know in the same place where we spent so many time and ideas have they own value. I wish that your friendship grows even more!
